Tuesday, July 23, 2013

notes March-May Mtgs

2013 pLG


Use this small clip and set a challenge to all staff to develop a blog about what their class will be like....maybe I  could do this

......my inquiry for this year ....future thinking ......notion of community, brain research and thinking, physical environments...what the MLE looks like...thinking and predicting the future in order to educate for it
.working with Jack,visits with PLG group, build up to sabbatical
Write my Personal Professional  Learning  Plan....record thinking ie audio of enhancing cultural competency./ cultural capital ..Jack Tatioko......have a written strategy of what I am / have done with Jack

What is the place of the relationships between schools and their local communities?

Important Things to read about
Inclusive Education Plan
ERO report Numeracy
ERO reporting

Inclusive Education by 2014

PPP School...Hobsonville School
Charter School...Villa School

Important for this year........time of change and
PACT tool
Inclusive education
Numeracy Failure
Change around National Standards ....about progress not standards
CC review

Reading List
Supporting Future - oriented learning and teaching ..Rachel Bolstead
Shifting thinking blog NZCER
Stephen Covey ..the Third alternative......this links to difficult conversations book
Why the brain talks to itself Gilbert and Wilson 2009 and Lane Clarks Notes from PD days
Learning futures .... Dr Kerri Facer ..video clip
Design thinkers for Educators.   ....... Pulls together some of the processes that we might use to design curriculum change

Filling out the principal plan......addd cost of conferences , PLG ...12k,    2 hours minimum prep time , pls reflection time a d 3 hours twice term, principal Appraisal plus time commitments
Outcome ...provide position paper to the board with recommendations to go forward

Am I going to write our way as a document ? Is there enough on our curriculum delivery!
Does our charter represent clearly enough our way .....can we change the name Charter to read the Riverdale  way
And have an extra page to clearly articulate our learning process

March 25
What's on top
Finances , special Ed, resourcing
With the advent of Charter schools we need to really encapsulate Matts contribution as the sports school specialist in order to retain pupils ..this is to be his role ..we need to put this is writing and have it as part of our charter documentation as curriculum delivery

Assessment as experienced Principal for Feb increment and then our Nov increment
Folder or electronic
1) key components
a) principal Performance current + previous reviews
b) student outcomes
Explain this process to the BOT

Plan July 2013 to : Dec 2014
Get my Developement plan to the next BOT meeting for minuting
Get copy of my Appraisal plan
Purpose for this is to clearly articulate the place of learning process and personal learning ie PI or breakthrough mornings or discovery time.....being able to articulate this to community and staff

To do
Career steps for Principals
Learning goal
Teacher inquiry
One page deliberate plan about PLG
Leadership in others  1 page deliberate plan also
The upshot is that everything has to be written down as deliberate

Reading.........." How can we teach them when they won't listen?"
Comes under the heading of cultural competencies
Could use this reading to challenge our assumptions around several groups re inclusiveness.......special needs , Pasifica, Maori
Get staff to read after we have written down what we believe or know about these diverse groups
Can I write a survey monkey questionnaire?  Jack to help craft this, also lead team
Profile of culturally competent students..what would this look like

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